Monday, August 10, 2009

Dolly Oxem Preview

Hey, folks. Here's the first preview for the upcoming pilot of Dolly Oxem's Traveling Video Circus. I've been hearing a lot about it and it looks like it should be very funny. Hopefully I'll be at the premier and give a first impression. Larry Longstreth has done a lot of other videos that can be seen on his MySpace page, among other places (and come on, you know how to use Google), so make sure to check them out too.

Tomorrow!: Blank the Messenger goes 80's horror film style all over one of its features. We're going to see the return, demise, and sort-of-return of the Greatest Creation Ever Nominations. It will be a lot like Friday the 13th: A New Beginning, but with less gratuitous sex and even more disappointment.

Hey. That sensation you just felt in your chest and throat--it isn't heartburn. it's excitement, so save the Maalox.

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