There are very few professions that aren't feeling the pinch right now from the bottoming out of our economy. People are buying less of everything--even what they need.
However, there is one profession that is seeing an influx of business: photographers who specialize in photos of men on Wall Street looking like they are seconds from having a complete mental breakdown.

In these touch economic times, when the media is reporting on our financial woes, it's important to be reminded of just how depressing and bleak our current situation is. The economy can be really confusing for a lot of people, but the folks on Wall Street really know what they're talking about. So if they look like they have a complete disregard for violently weeping in public, maybe we should too.

Even photographers who specialize in the How-Am-I-Going-To-Go-On?-Head-Grab-From-Behind photos are seeing their fair share of coverage.

In fact, now is a great time for any variety of depressing Wall Street photos. For instance, the classic One-Hand-Over-The-Mouth:

The Aerial-Two-Handed-Head-Rub:

And my new favorite, the rare Slumping-Over-The-Railing-While-Some-Jerk-Behind-You-Has-The-Balls-(Or Savings?)-To-Smile:

But soak it up Wall Street photographers, because the economy won't be the front page story forever. It will only be so long before our nation is gripped by the next logical threat to our cushy American lives:

And when that day comes, you're photos will be meaningless and Fat Cat Photographers, who are currently starving as they take pictures upon pictures of cats gorging themselves, will be raking in the cash.